Best Way to Attach Doily in Scrapbook

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Doilies aren't just for sitting on the table under a teacup – turn them into doily wall art using Mod Podge, scrapbook paper and canvases.

Skills Required: Beginner. The most difficult part of this project is decoupaging the paper to the canvas without wrinkles, so pay close attention to that part. Even that is relatively easy!

Doily Wall Art the Easy Way, On a Budget

I've been wanting to make doily wall art for a long time, especially after I saw this doily art by my friend Jen.

My only problem was that I didn't have any old doilies, and I didn't want to use white ones. So I had to wait for the perfect situation to come along for my decoupage idea, and it did!

I found colored doilies in the $1 bin at Michaels this past week. Then I found the perfect paper to match in the scrapbooking aisle. My doily art was born. Here's how to decoupage your own.

DIY Doily Art

Gather These Supplies

  • 12″ x 12″ canvases
  • $1 doilies
  • Mod Podge Satin and Mod Podge Fabric
  • FolkArt paint – Sky Blue, Turner's Yellow (or coordinating colors)
  • Scrapbook paper – I used Making Memories Spring paper
  • Craft knife and mat
  • Paintbrush
Two Artist's Loft square white canvases from Michaels

Here are the canvases I used for my doily art. You can typically get a "two-fer" pack on these which reduces the price a little.

One green doily and one yellow doily from the Michaels dollar bins

Here are the doilies. Look for them in these plastic bags in the $1 section. Why did I take pictures of my supplies? I don't know.

Trim a piece of scrapbook paper with a craft knife and metal ruler

The paper sheets were 12″ x 12″, same size as the canvases. I wanted to take off a bit so that you could see the paint around the edges of the canvases, so I trimmed down to 11.5″ square. Set aside.

Paint the edges of a square canvas with blue acrylic paint

Paint the edges of the canvases with your coordinating colors. Give several coats and allow to dry.

Add Mod Podge Satin to the center of a square canvas

Dump Mod Podge in the middle of the canvas. No, seriously! You're going to want a medium layer of Mod Podge and it dries quickly, so get a bunch on there and start spreading.

Spread the Mod Podge across a canvas with a paintbrush

You have to work quickly on your doily wall art, and get the corners well. Tip: you should probably use a bigger brush. It will help you smooth faster. Lay the paper down and smooth thoroughly – wipe away any Mod Podge that comes out the edges.

Canvas is flexible, so I always turn the canvas over and smooth on the backside as well. Allow to dry for 15 – 20 minutes. Your doily wall art is well on the way to being done. Repeat with your second canvas.

Attach scrapbook paper to a square canvas with Mod Podge

Decoupage over the top of your paper; coat the sides of the canvas as well. Allow to dry and then give a second coat. Allow to dry.

Add Fabric Mod Podge to a round green doily from Michaels

I used my thick Mod Podge Fabric to add dots here and there on the doily. There's no need to coat the whole thing with Mod Podge, just areas, especially around the edges (since they curl).

Roll out a doily on canvas with a brayer

I placed the doily onto the canvas and then rolled it out with my brayer to get it to stick. You'll see the Mod Podge through the doily, but don't worry – that will dry clear. Allow your doily art to dry for a few hours before hanging.

Doily Wall Art the Easy Way, On a Budget

Put your doily wall art in a special place. I love my new wall decor, and it's perfect for spring! The doilies came in pink or purple too, so head to Michaels and get your doily on.

Prep Time 10 minutes

Active Time 25 minutes

Total Time 35 minutes

Difficulty Easy

Estimated Cost $22


  • 12" x 12" canvases
  • $1 doilies
  • Mod Podge Satin
  • Mod Podge Fabric
  • FolkArt paint - coordinating colors
  • Scrapbook paper - 1 sheet per canvas


  • Craft knife and mat
  • Paintbrush
  • Ruler
  • Brayer (optional)


  1. Trim the paper down to fit the canvases, so a little bit of color will show around the edge. Use the ruler and craft knife to size the paper to approximately 11.5". Set aside.
  2. Paint the edges of the canvases with coordinating paint colors. Give several coats and allow to dry.
  3. Pour a bit of Mod Podge into the center of the canvas and spread out a medium layer. Work quickly and get the corners well.
  4. Lay the paper down and smooth thoroughly - wipe away any Mod Podge that comes out the edges.
  5. Canvas is flexible, so turn the canvas over and smooth on the backside as well. Allow to dry for 15 - 20 minutes.
  6. Repeat with your second canvas.
  7. Decoupage over the top of your paper; coat the sides of the canvas as well. Allow to dry and then give a second coat. Allow to dry.
  8. Use Mod Podge Fabric to add dots here and there on the doily.
  9. Place the doily onto the canvas and roll out with a brayer (if you have one) to get it to stick. If you don't have a brayer, use your hands and prepare to get messy. You'll see the Mod Podge through the doily, but don't worry - that will dry clear.
  10. Let dry 24 hours before hanging.

Like this doily canvas art? Here are some other craft projects with doilies you might enjoy:

Doily covers for dessert plates

Use Mod Podge Stiffy to create unique doily covers for dessert plates - perfect in place of glass cloches! These are so pretty and easy to make.

Doily bowl with Stiffy

I used doilies from the dollar bins and Mod Podge Stiffy in this unique doily bowl project! You can make one with any size doily.

Best Way to Attach Doily in Scrapbook


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